
Choreography by Mattia Russo & Antonio de Rosa

Kor’sia takes us into the mysterious universe of Franz Kafka in their eponymous commission for  Hessisches Staatsballett. Known for their visually impressive dance creations and surreal stage worlds, the Spanish company under the direction of Mattia Russo and Antonio de Rosa embarks on a suggestive voyage of discovery into the kaleidoscopic work of the enigmatic writer in the 100th anniversary year of Kafka’s death, whose works uncover another layer of the much-invoked “Kafkaesque” with each interpretation.


Choreography Mattia Russo & Antonio de Rosa
Set design Amber Vandenhoeck
Light design Steffen Hilbricht / Kor`sia
Costume design Luca Guarini
Costume assistance Dea Beijleri
Composition and production stage music Alejandro Gonzalez da Rocha
Rehearsal director Uwe Fischer
Dramaturgy Agnès López-Río, Lucas Herrmann
Dramaturgy assistance Ching-Wen Peng

Original cast
Kenedy Kallas, Bridget Lee, Milica Mučibabić, Mei-Yun Lu, Peng Chen, Ramon John, Daniel Myers, Marcos Novais


Photos: De-Da Productions



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