
Choreographies by Liliana Barros, Dunja Jocić, David Raymond & Tiffany Tregarthen, Anouk van Dijk, LeÏla Ka and Fran Diaz

In celebration of the Hessische Staatsballett’s 10th anniversary, we open up the stage and leaf through the chronicles of dance, as if it were a picture book. This special gala production includes short creations by illustrious contemporary choreographers. Each of these choreographic manuscripts tells an extraordinary story: readings that collide, thoughts that exchange, ideas that diverge.


Choreography, stage and costume Liliana Barros
Light Tanja Rühl
Dance Ramon John, Masayoshi Katori, Jorge Moro Argote, Tatsuki Takada

Photo Credit: Andreas Etter

Force Majeure

Choreography, Stage, Costume David Raymond & Tiffany Tregarthen

Music / Composition Angèle David-Guillou
Light James Proudfoot
Video Eric Chad
Dance Ramon John, Masayoshi Katori, Gorka Duran, Marcos Novais, Yamil Ortiz, Alessio Pirrone, Anthony Michael Pucci, Greta Dato, Sayaka Kado, Kenedy Kallas, Bridget Lee, Mei-Yun Lu, Rita Winder


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Choreography, light and costume: Leïla Ka
Dance TBA


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Holding Space

Choreography and stage Anouk van Dijk
Costume Jessica Helbach
Dance Anthony Michael Pucci, Marcos Novais, Milica Mučibabić

Photo Credit: Andreas Etter


Choreography and Stage Dunja Jocić
Light Tanja Rühl
Costume Ivana Vasić
Dance Greta Dato, Meilyn Kennedy, Bridget Lee, Milica Mučibabić, Vanessa Shield, Peng Chen, Ramon John, Marcos Novais, Anthony Michael Pucci, Tatsuki Takada

Photo Credit: Andreas Etter


Choreography, Stage and Costume Fran Díaz
Light Tanja Rühl 
Dance Daniela Castro Hechavarría, Sayaka Kado, Kenedy Kallas, Mei-Yun Lu, , Rita Winder Enzo Boffa, Alessio Damiani, Masayoshi Katori, Jorge Moro Argote, Gorka Duran, Yamil Ortiz, , Benjamin Wilson, Luke Watson

Photo Credit: Andreas Etter


Saturday 1. March 2025 / 16-18 pm Chronicles repertory workshop in Wiesbaden

Saturday 10. May 2025 / 16-18 pm Chronicles repertory workshop in Darmstadt

Hear dance! Feel dance! Experience dance!

With an extraordinary qualification program for audio description authors, the Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, a joint project of the Hessisches Staatsballett (HSB) and the Künstler:innenhaus Mousonturm, is contributing to the removal of barriers for blind and visually impaired people and to greater participation in dance. The qualification program culminates and concludes with the HSB ballet evening “Chronicles”.

Parallel to the rehearsal process, blind, visually impaired and sighted authors participating in the qualification program will jointly develop an audio description including a tactile tour for the multi-part dance evening.

This audio description can be used for the first time by blind and visually impaired visitors at the premiere of the dance evening on February 16 at 6 pm at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden.


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