The Dutch siblings Imre & Marne van Opstal are the shooting stars of the European dance scene. For Hessian State Ballet they developed their new creation I`m afraid to forget your smile for six dancers with the inclusion of choirs and explored the moment of letting go as a transitional state in the surrender to loss. A flash so tangible and fleeting that time seems to stand still. After dance engagements at the renowned Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) 1 & 2 and Batsheva Dance Company, the young duo van Opstal started a promising choreographic career at NDT back in 2016. Currently, they regularly create for the traditional Dutch house and beyond throughout Europe.


I am afraid to forget your smile, © Andreas Etter
I am afraid to forget your smile, © Andreas Etter
I am afraid to forget your smile, © Andreas Etter
I am afraid to forget your smile, © Andreas Etter
I am afraid to forget your smile, © Andreas Etter



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I’m afraid to forget your smile

Choreography Imre & Marne van Opstal
Stage Design & Light Tom Visser
Choir Rehearsal and Musical Direction Ines Kaun
Rehearsal Direction Jaione Zabala Martin
Dramaturgy Lucas Herrmann

World Premiere Darmstadt – 17.09.2022, 19.30 Uhr
State Theatre Darmstadt, Großes Haus

Premiere Wiesbaden – 28.10.2022, 19.30 Uhr 
State Theatre Wiesbaden, Großes Haus

Trailer: De-Da Productions