
Kristín Marja Ómarsdóttir

Choreography, Stage Design, Costume & Light: Kristín Marja Ómarsdóttir

Dance: Kristín Marja Ómarsdóttir, Taulant Shehu

Music: Moderat

Dramaturgy: Johannes Schropp

Adrift thematizes the state of aimless drifting, of being lost in a weightless space. Two seeming industrial workers coexist with each other, touching, but sharing nothing except their harness, which pulls them ceaselessly upward. Both bodies are trapped in this superior system, one that literally pulls the ground out from under both of their feet. Instead of a choreography that stages a concrete situation in which the bodies of the dancers retain control, here they surrender themselves directly to the mechanical forces that pull on them. The piece allows people to take part in the moment immediately after a life-shattering event. The event itself remains unclear. How the two bodies got into this situation, as well. Adrift shows the in-between, blurring where to go, what to do, or how to do things at all. A mental shift for both the dancers and the viewers.

Photos: Tatsuki Takada