Choreography by Mounia Nassangar (Collectif FAIR-E)

While voguing has its roots in New York, waacking emerged on the West coast of the USA, in Los Angeles, as the dance of the LGBTQ disco scene in the 70s – in a period when queer people were largely unseen and stigmatised.

An extension of punking (a positive use of the derogatory term “punk”), this expressive style was typified by accentuated arm movements to the beat of the music. With STUCK, international waacking icon Mounia Nassangar creates her first choreographic work, transposing the movement language of waacking into a personal and idiosyncratic contemporary stage work. Here she searches for answers to physical and mental blocks. Dance becomes a tool that transforms internal and external pressures into freedom and self-determination.

In STUCK, five female dancers each take their own highly individual approaches to waacking. While their bodies and histories are different, they all share one powerful experience: the immediacy of dance and expression that is capable of resisting all forms of oppression.


Credits: Mounia Nassangar, Le Kabuki


Choreography Mounia Nassangar
Dance Suzanne Degennaro, Serena Freira, Oumrata Konan, Nicole Kufeld, Carla Parcianello
Choreographiy Assistant Sofia Staníc
Beatmaker Mac L’Arnaque
Scenography, Light Xavier Lescat
Costume Lydie Tarragon

A creation of Cie Nassangar

Production collectif FAIR-E / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, ein Verein, der vom Kulturministerium (Regionale Direktion für kulturelle Angelegenheiten / Bretagne), der Stadt Rennes, der Region Bretagne und dem Departement Ille-et-Vilaine unterstützt wird.

Co-production CCN-Ballet national de Marseille im Rahmen des Accueil studio / Ministère de la Culture, La Villette – Paris

Supported by Stadt Rennes im Rahmen des Appel à projet Accueil en résidence artistique.

Currently there are no upcoming performances of this Program.

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