von und mit Tänzer:innen des Hessischen Staatsballetts
What happens when something cracks?
Think of all the ways things break: a dropped glass, a shattered phone screen, a voice faltering mid-speech, the ground quaking beneath our feet or even the emotional upheaval within one’s heart.
CRACK, uses this simple idea as our guide to shape and investigate the infinite possibilities that can unfold from within that single word.
How does one challenge the rigidity of tradition or the audience’s expectations?
What does it feel like to bring something personal onto the stage? Is it akin to breaking an egg in a pan or more like shattering a family heirloom?
And in what ways are these cracks repaired or healed? Will merely gluing them together serve as a remedy or do we need something stronger?
Or is it a possibility that we allow these fractures to remain visible for everyone to see?
Throughout this evening we are both diving in and climbing out of the cracks that surround us, delivering a personal and diverse, dancer-led evening that is built upon the unique fissures that lie within each of our creative minds.
Everyone is welcome to be cracked open.
CRACK is an evening led by dancers from the hessian state ballet, at which donations are collected. all proceeds go to the local charity organisation Aufwind! e.V. – You can find more information about the Wiesbaden charity here
Photos: Tatsuki Takada
Currently there are no upcoming performances of this Program.