
Choreography by Marcos Abranches

‘Avessos’ (“inside out“) is the new work by the Brazilian dancer and choreographer Marcos Abranches – currently Artist-in-Residence at Staatstheater Darmstadt. For this solo performance he explores the most varied styles and artistic forms including DanceAbility, butoh, contact improvisation, cinema, photography, fashion, music and somatic techniques like Feldenkrais.

DanceAbility is a method of dance, movement and non-verbal communcation. It integrates people with and without disabilities and is based on the principle of inclusion instead of isolation.

Japanese butoh is a dance that upsets conventions. Butoh aims to free itself from accustomed forms of physicality and thinking and to achieve a new kind of presence through improvisation and embodiment. Contact improvisation focusses, among other things, on transferring weight: on holding and being held.

‘Avessos’ invites its audience to enter a kaleidoscope of expressive forms and to experience a poignant solo.

On Sunday, 10.11. a “Meet the Artists” takes place after the performance.



Credit: Wilian Aguilar


Artistic creator and director Marcos Abranches
Artistic collaboration Célio Abranches und Elis O. Abranches
General, artistic, conceptual and choreographic direction Marcos Abranches
Lighting technician Ícaro Zanzini
Administration Gabriela Wazlawick
Stage manager Emerson Nigro
Production manager Elder Fraga
Production Marcos Abranches & Cia und Fraga Films

Currently there are no upcoming performances of this Program.

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