27’52” / Codes of Conduct / Bedtime story

Choreographies by Jiří Kylián, Jermaine Spivey & Nadav Zelner

Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) is one of the world’s leading contemporary dance companies. The troupe from The Hague, under the artistic direction of Emily Molnar, will present three choreographies by its extended company NDT 2 at the 2024 International May Festival.

The evening opens with 27’52” by Jiří Kylián, NDT’s long-time in-house choreographer and artistic director. The title of his 2002 piece refers to its duration. The Czech choreographer spans an arc from being present in the moment to the ever-present need for change in life.

In “Codes of Conduct”, Jermaine Spivey embarks on a journey into the world of physicality. In an extended version of his piece “Code of Conduct”, which the American choreographer created for NDT 2 in 2022 as part of the young talent format “Up & Coming Choreographers”, Spivey once again examines the reality of physical experience, placing the dancers in various states of being.

In “Bedtime story”, Nadav Zelner enters the mysterious moment between sleep and consciousness. Once there, the Israeli choreographer explores the liberating power of dreams in his piece created for NDT 2 in 2021. Zelner, who recently made his Wiesbaden debut with the Hessisches Staatsballett with his new creation ‘glue light blue’, also calls on us to trust our dreaming inner child.


Nederlands Dans Theater NDT 2


World premiere: 21 February 2022, Lucent Danstheater, Den Haag
Choreography & Stag Design Jiří Kylián
Music Dirk Haubrich (Inspiriert von der Urfassung der Symphonie Nr. 10 von Gustav Mahler)
Lighting Design Kees Tjebbes
Costume Design Joke Visser
NDT Rehearsal Director Ander Zabala

Codes of Conduct

World premiere: 2 November 2023, Danstheater Amare, Den Haag
Choreography, Music, Stage & Costume Design Jermaine Spivey
Lighting Design Yuka Hisamatsu
NDT Rehearsal Director Ander Zabala

Bedtime story

World premiere: 4 November 2021, Danstheater Amare, Den Haag
Choreography Nadav Zelner
Music Rouaida Atia: »Min Nazra«, Andre Hajj & Ensemble: »Mir.«, Ez-zouhour: »Sidi Mansour«, »Baba Bahri« (Courtesy of ARC Music Productions Int. Ltd.), Al Ajaleh: »Batsheva Music«, Mohammed Abdu: »Allah Alaiha«, »Al Rasayel«, »Mahma Ygolon« (Courtesy of Rotana Music)
Lighting Design Tom Visser
Costume Design Maor Zabar
Sound Editor Matan Onyameh
NDT Rehearsal Director Lydia Bustinduy, Ander Zabala


Photos: 27’52” © Joris-Jan Bos, BEDTIME STORY © Rahi Rezvani, CODES OF CONDUCT © Rahi Rezvani

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